1956 BBFC Cert. “X”

X The Unknown

In the remote Scottish highlands, army exercises are disturbed by violent earth tremors and an explosion which kills one soldier and badly burns another. Scientists are called in to investigate the great chasm left by the explosion and soon discover that an enormous blob of radioactive slime lurks within it. But worse is to come – the slime is capable of movement and begins to venture out above ground in search of more radioactivity, threatening to destroy anything and anyone in its path!

3- XTU 1
Production Details

A Hammer film production released by Exclusive films (UK)I and Warner Brothers (USA)

Opening credit: – The Producers wish to acknowledge the co-operation received Irom the War Office during the production of this film

RCA Sound System
Produced at Bray Studios

Black & White 75 mins

UK Release: 5th November 1956

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Gerrard’s Cross, Buckinghamshire
Beaconsfield Gravel Pits, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
X The Unknown 1956

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A very young Frazer Hines appears in this film. He later played Jamie alongside Patrick Troughton in BBC TV’s Doctor Who, as well as Joe Sugden in the Yorkshire TV soap opera Emmerdale Farm.

Director Leslie Norman is the father of film critic Barry Norman.

Uncredited Shaw Taylor is best known for presenting the long-running five-minute crime programme Police 5.

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