Phil Leakey

Make-up Artist

Philip Leakey was born on 4 May 1908 in

He Worked at Shepperton Studios, before joining Hammer as make-up artist in 1947. Involved in most of Hammer’s best known early films until his departure in 1958. Succeeded by his former assistant Roy Ashton. His first make-up room at Bray Studios was a converted toilet.

Phil used rubber, cornflakes and rice to create the make-up for the alien-infected character Victor Carroon in the The Quatermass Xperiment(1955).

He married to fellow make-up artist Gladys Leakey on 4 October 1940.

Philip Leakey died on 26 November 1992, he was 84.

Phil Leakey’s Hammer Filmography
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