1952 - BBFC Cert. “U”

Wings of Danger

Alternative title: Dead on Course

When airline pilot Nick Talbot disappears after a plane crash and is presumed dead, his friend Van decides to investigate. He finds Nick very much alive and heavily involved with a gang of smugglers…

3- WOD 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films (UK) and Lippert Films (USA)
Adapted from the novel “Dead on Course” by Elleston Trevor and Packham Webb
Copyright MCMLII by Exclusive Films Ltd.

All characters in this photoplay are fictitious and bear no resemblance to any real person, living or dead

RCA Sound System
London Philarmonic Orchestra

Black & White 73 minutes

Filming Began: 1st September 1951
UK Release: 26th May 1952

Riverside Studios, Hammersmith, London

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster

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Zachary Scott was the American brought over for this one. A star of many Westerns, he had also played the title role in The Mask of Dimitrios (1944).

Diane Cilento, introduced in this film, went on to marry Sean Connery and is the mother of his actor son, Jason.

Kay Kendall died at the age of 33 from myeloid leukemia.

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