1955 BBFC Cert. “U”

The Lyons in Paris

Alternative Title: The Lyons Abroad

As a wedding anniversary surprise for Bebe, Ben takes the family on a trip to Paris. Once there, the atmosphere of the romantic capital of the world weaves its own special magic which, this being the Lyons family, only results in one disaster after another and a series of misunderstandings leading to Ben having to take part in a duel over another woman!

3- TLIP 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films
Copyright MCMLIV by Exclusive Films Ltd.
RCA Sound Recording
Produced at Southall Studios, England

Black & White 81 minutes

Filming Began: 30th June 1954
UK Release: 5th January 1955

Southall Studios, Southall, Middlesex


Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
The Lyons in Paris 1955

Click to enlarge


Philip Martell gets his first credit for Hammer with this film. Later on, he succeeded John Hollingsworth and became the Company’s chief Musical Director, a position he then held right through to Hammer’s last cinema film, The Lady Vanishes (1979).

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