1959 BBFC Cert. “A”

Ten Seconds to Hell

In Berlin after the war, a group of bomb-disposal experts pay into a kitty, with the agreement that the last surviving member of the team will collect the lot. One by one, their numbers dwindle…..

3- TSTH 1
Production Details

A Hammer-Seven Arts production released by United Artists Copyright 1959 by Hammer Film Productions Ltd.
MPAA Approved Certificate No. 19235
Klangfilm-Eurocord Sound System
Processed at Universum Film AG, Berlin
Made in the U.F.A. Film Studios, Tempelhof, Berlin
Black & White 93 mins

Filming Began: 24th February 1958
UK Release: 15th June 1959

UFA Studios, Templehof, Berlin, Germany

West Berlin, Germany

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
Ten Seconds to Hell 1958

Click to enlarge


American Robert Aldrich went on to make a rod for his own back when he directed Hollywood ‘grandes dames’ Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in the magnificently over-the-top shocker Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962). It was an experience he even tried to repeat in 1964 with Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte, but Crawford backed out after shooting had begun and was replaced by Olivia de Havilland.

Aldrich’s other films include The Dirty Dozen (1967), The Killing of Sister George (1968) and, as producer only, Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969). He died in 1984.

Jack Palance played the part of Dracula in a TV movie of 1973. His other ventures into fantasy include Amicus’s Torture Garden (1967, with Peter Cushing) and Godzilla versus the Cosmic Monster (1976). More recently, he appeared in Batman (1989).

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