1950 BBFC Cert. “U"

Someone at the Door

A knockabout crime comedy, in which, in order to enhance his reputation, a struggling journalist cooks up a hare-brained scheme to make it look as though he has murdered his sister – for just long enough to get a big story out of it. Unfortunately, however, things start to go badly wrong when a gang of real crooks appear on the scene!

3- SATD 1
Production Details

A Hammer Film production released by Exclusive Films
United Programmes Sound
From the play by Major Campbell Christie and Miss Dorothy Campbell Christie

Black & White 65 minutes

Filming Began: November 1949
UK Release: 21st August 1950

Oakley Court Hotel, Oakley Green, Windsor, Berkshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
Someone at the Door 1950

Click to enlarge


This is the second filmed version of the stage play, the first being British International Pictures 1936 production starring Billy Milton and directed by Herbert Brenon.

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