1954 BBFC Cert. “A”

Five Days

Alternative Title: Paid to Kill

When a financial deal arranged by cavalier businessman James Nevill falls through, he faces ruin. Seeing no future for himself, he decides that the least he can do is make sure his wife is well looked after, so he blackmails an old, and shady, acquaintance into killing him; she will then be able to claim against his insurance. The murder is to take place within the next five days, but then the original business deal comes up trumps and he is financially saved. His relief is short-lived, though, when he cannot call off his proposed killer and the attempts on his life begin…

3- FD 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films (UK) and Lippert Films (USA)
Copyright MCMLIV by Exclusive Films Ltd.
RCA Sound System
Produced at Bray Studios
Black & White 72 minutes

Filming Began: 1st November 1953
UK Release: 12th May 1954

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
Five Days 1954

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Unusually, Howard Marion Crawford plays a Scot in this film. He is more familiar as the archetypal stiff-upper-lipped English officer and gentleman, as in Lawrence of Arabia (1962) and as Dr Petrie (Scotland Yard Commissioner Nayland Smith’s trusty sidekick) in all five of the “Fu Manchu” films starring Christopher Lee.

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