1951 BBFC Cert. “A”

Black Widow

Mark Sherwin is the victim of a brutal beating and car theft. The thief dies in a crash; Mark suffers from amnesia, and recuperates on a horse-training property. Discovering a clue, he returns home to find he had been declared dead, his wife welcomes him back, only to plan a real death for him so she and his best friend (with whom she is having an affair) can get his substantial wealth.

3- BW 1
Production Details

Exclusive Films Present, a Hammer Production
Panacoustic Sound System

Based on the B.B.C. serial play “Return from Darkness” by Lester Powell

Black & White 52 minutes

Filming Began: 1st January 1950
UK Release: 22nd October 1951

Gilston Park, Hertfordshire, England

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Christine Norden also appeared in Hammer’s A Case for PC 49 (1951).

Anthony Forwood appeared in five other Hammer productions: Meet Simon Cherry (1949), The Man in Black (1949), The Gambler and the Lady (1952), Mantrap (1953) and Five Days (1954). He was married to actress Glynis Johns (Winnifred Banks in Mary Poppins 1964) from 1942 to 1948, they had one son, actor Gareth Forwood.

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