1955 BBFC Cert. “A”

The Glass Cage

Alternative Title: The Glass Tomb

Sapolio is the star of a funfair act called “The Starving Man”. His agent ‘Pel’ Pelham, arranges a new engagement for him and fixes a party to celebrate. But, as the guests gather, a murder is being committed in the flat upstairs. While the police investigate, Sapolio, who has now started his act, is tempted into eating a piece of poisoned ham fat!!!

3- TGC 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films (UK) and Lippert Films (USA)
Copyright MCMLIV by Exclusive Films Ltd.
RCA Sound Recording
Produced at Bray Studios

ased on “The Outsiders” by A.E. Martin

Black & White 59 minutes

Filming Began: 1st November 1954
UK Release: 29th August 1955

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
The Glass Cage 1955

Click to enlarge


Honor Blackman became famous for her roles as Cathy Gale in ABC TV’s The Avengers and as Pussy Galore in the James Bond film Goldfinger (1964). She also worked for Hammer in the featurette Danger List (1957) and in To the Devil a Daughter (1976).

Actress Tonia Bern was married to British world speed breaker Donald Malcolm Campbell until his death in 1967.

Uncredited here, Dandy Nichols went on to star as Alf Garnet’s long suffering wife, Else (silly old moo), in BBC TV’s comedy Till Death us do Part.

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