Journey to the Unknown

Somewhere in a Crowd

Episode 2

A television host spies the same mysterious faces at various accidents where people have died.

3- SIAC 1
Production Details

Hammer Film Productions
Copyright © MCMLXVIII
Filmed at Intertel Studios by Addavision
Distributed by Twentieth Century-Fox Television
William Self – In charge

UK Transmission date 21st April 1969

Stills from episode

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Cast & Crew

Jane Asher has appeared in TV shows and films including The Masque of the Red Death (1964), Alfie (1966), Deep End (1970), The Mistress (1985-1987), Crossroads (2001-2003), Death at a Funeral (2007) and The Old Guys (2009). She is also known for supplying specialist cakes and kitchenware, as well as publishing three bestselling novels.

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