Journey to the Unknown

Poor Butterfly

Episode 6

A strange costume ball is the setting where a young woman dressed as a butterfly desperately wants to leave before something ominous happens.

3- PoorB 1
Production Details

Hammer Film Productions
Copyright © MCMLXVIII
Filmed at Intertel Studios by Addavision
Distributed by Twentieth Century-Fox Television
William Self – In charge

UK Transmission date 19th May 1969

Stills from episode

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited


Fay Compton reprised her role as Queen Victoria from The Prime Minister (1941).

Susan Brodrick went on to appear in two Hammer films, as Susan Spencer in Dr Jeckyll and Sister Hyde, and Teri in Countess Dracula , both 1971.

Marty Cruikshank is the daughter of respected Scottish actor Andrew Cruikshank, who appeared in Hammer’s 1959 film Stranglers of Bombay.

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