Journey to the Unknown

Paper Dolls

Episode 16

A teacher witnesses one of his students mentally attack another. The boy claims that his brother didn’t like what the student did to him. He also learns that he drew a sketch when he supposedly couldn’t. He learns from his parents who adopted him that he has a twin brother. So the teacher and another go see the brother and learn from his mother that he draws.
They discover him playing the piano when his mother claims he can’t. They learn that he is not the brother that the student claims who made him attack the other. The teacher later finds himself experiencing his worst fear.
They later find where they were born and discover another brother who plays the piano. They learn that their biological parents were subjected to experiments by the Nazis. They discover that the fourth brother is inherently evil. The boys then all come together. The teacher tries to save them.

3- PD 1
Production Details

Hammer Film Productions
Copyright © MCMLXVIII
Filmed at Intertel Studios by Addavision
Distributed by Twentieth Century-Fox Television
William Self – In charge

UK Transmission date 3rd March 1970

Stills from episode

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Cast & Crew

This was Nanette Newman’s only appearance in a Hammer production. She was famous in the UK for a series of ‘Fairy Liquid’ TV advertisements. She was married to Bryan Forbes who appeared in Hammer’s Yesterday’s Enemy (1959) and Quatermass 2 (1957).

Hammer favourite, Michael Ripper, puts in an appearance here alongside his second wife Catherine Finn.

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