Journey to the Unknown

Matakitas is Coming

Episode 3

Librarians are stalked by a psychotic strangler who continues his murder spree from beyond the grave.

3- MIC 1
Production Details

Hammer Film Productions
Copyright © MCMLXVIII
Filmed at Intertel Studios by Addavision
Distributed by Twentieth Century-Fox Television
William Self – In charge

UK Transmission date 28th April 1969

Stills from episode

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited


Fame came to Vera Miles when she attracted the attention of two master directors, Alfred Hitchcock and John Ford. Ford cast her in the classic western The Searchers (1956), and Hitchcock, who put her under personal contract and hailed her as his “new Grace Kelly”, paired her with the great Henry Fonda in The Wrong Man (1956). He also cast her in the potentially star-making role of Judy Barton in Vertigo (1958), but Miles withdrew from the film when she became pregnant. Hitchcock later gave Miles a supporting role in another masterpiece Psycho (1960).

Leon Lissek played the Sergeant of Bailiffs in Hammer’s 1971 film Countess Dracula.

Dermot Walsh was at one time married to Hammer star Hazel Court.

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