Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense

Tennis Court

Episode 12

A WWII fighter plane crashes and although the pilot escapes, his partner burns. Years later, Maggie and Harry Dowl arrive in England to inspect a house left to Maggie by her mother. The house has a dilapidated tennis court, but this seems to have some force which takes over the daughter of John Bray, the local holy man, as well as causing tennis balls to gush blood and kill people with animated nets.

3- TC 1
Production Details

© 1984 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, All rights reserved

The characters and incidents portrayed and the names used herin are fictitious and any similarity to the name, character or history of any person is entirely co-incidental.
Produced by Hammer Film Productions Limited

ITV London Transmission Date: 27th June 1985

Stills from episode

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited


Peter Graves played Jim Phelps in the Paramount Television series Mission Impossible (1966-73). He also played Captain Clarence Oveur in the “Airplane” films.

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