1957 BBFC Cert. “A”

The Steel Bayonet

The film opens with the title “Tunisia 1943” and the following narration

“In the early spring of 1943, a battalion of infantry were pulled out of the hills around Tunis. For thirteen weeks they had endured the hard, bitter fighting, the rain and the mud. The rear guard of this battalion was ‘C’ Company. They had provided the spearhead of the battle and had been in constant engagement with the enemy. Now, they were due for a rest. The battalion was going to re-form and refit.” Their rest is short-lived, however, as they receive orders to protect a vital post from the Germans…..

3- TSB 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by United Artists
MPAA Approved Certificate No. 18413
Western Electric Recording
A Hammerscope Production
Black & White 85 minutes

Filming Began: 13th August 1956
UK Release: 3rd June 1957

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Long Valley, Aldershot, Hampshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
The Steel Bayonet 1956

Click to enlarge


Unusually for a film made so soon after the end of the war, this film was mildly controversial for showing the Germans as human beings and is believed to be the first such film to allow the German characters to speak in their own language, with subtitles in English.

An early appearance here (uncredited) for Michael Cain as a German soldier.

Also uncredited here, an appearance for Tony Warren who went on to create ITV’s long running soap opera, Coronation Street.

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