1968 BFBC Cert. X

Witchfinder General

England is torn in civil strife as the Royalists battle the Parliamentary Party for control. Matthew Hopkins tours the land offering his services as a persecutor of witches. Aided by his sadistic accomplice John Stearne, he travels from city to city and wrenches confessions from “witches” in order to line his pockets and gain sexual favours.

3- WG 1
Production Details

A Tigon Production
86 Mins

UK Release Date
19th May 1968
BBFC Cert. “X”

Stills from film

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Original Poster
Witchfinder General 1968

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Director Michael Reeves wanted Donald Pleasence to play Matthew Hopkins, but “American-International Pictures,” the American distributor and co-financier of the film, insisted that Vincent Price play the title character, and Reeves grudgingly accepted. Price went on to regard his performance here as the finest of his horror movie career.

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