2023 BBFC Cert. “15”

Dr Jeckyll

Dr. Nina Jekyll made herself a fortune in the pharmaceutical industry, rubbing shoulders with the elite and becoming a household name. But her success came at a cost, and after scandal forced her out of the spotlight she now lives in seclusion with her demons. In need of an assistant, Jekyll hires Rob – an ex-con straight out of rehab, trying to get back on his feet. However, it soon becomes clear that there are evil forces at play, and Rob’s wits are tested in a game of cat and mouse with a mysterious and manipulative entity.

Production Details

Hammer – A John Gore Company – presents
A B Good Picture Company production

Running time 89 mins

UK Release: 23rd October 2024

Sanford Hall, Leicestershire, England

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew
Original Poster
DJ Poster

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Eddie Izzard is a well known British stand-up comedian. He started working as a street performer around London’s Covent Garden.

Scottish actress, Lindsay Duncan, is known for playing Anna Mayle in the BBC television series A Year in Provence (1993)




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