2008 BBFC Cert. “18”

Beyond the Rave

A vampire story set in England’s underground rave scene. The online serial follows the last hours of freedom of local soldier Ed, who is flying out to Iraq in the morning. With the help of his best friend Necro, he spends his last night in the UK tracking down his missing girlfriend Jen, last seen partying with a bizarre group of hardcore night-time ravers led by the mysterious Melech. But as he catches up with Jen at a party, Ed discovers that Melech’s crowd, who are hosting the event, are looking for more than a night of fun, and that not everyone will make it through to dawn.

3- BTR 1
Production Details

Hammer presents A Pure Grass Films Production in Association with myspacetv.com

Running time 93 mins

Filming Began: 1st September 2007
Video Release: 17 April 2008

Black Park, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew
Original Poster
Beyond the Rave 2008

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Hammer’s return came in the form of this on-line serial. The later DVD contained the final episode, which had not available on-line. The DVD also contains an additional episode called “Necro’s First Kill,” which details Necro’s early reluctance to kill for blood as he and the surviving vampires struggle to flee England.

Hammer’s first lady of horror, Ingrid Pitt, who had starred in The Vampire Lovers (1971) and Countess Dracula (1970), played a cameo role as the demented mother of a drug dealer living in a dark and rat-infested apartment. The segment would have appeared in episode 3, but was cut from the finished film, though Pitt is still listed as “Tooley’s mum” in the credits. The scene is included as an extra on the DVD. She died in a South London hospital on 23 November 2010, a few days after collapsing, and two days after her 73rd birthday, from congestive heart failure.

Sadie Frost, who appears as the vampire Fallen Angel, had previously played the doomed Lucy Westenra in Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 film version of Dracula.

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