1974 BBFC Cert. “X”

From Beyond the Grave

Anthology adapted from four short stories by R. Chetwynd-Hayes about an antique dealer who owns a shop called Temptations Ltd. and the fate that befalls his customers who try to cheat him.

3- FBTG 1
Production Details

An Amicus Production
Produced at Shepperton Studios
98 Mins

Stills from film

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Hammer Connections
Original Poster
From Beyond the Grave 1974

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This was the second “Amicus” horror film where Peter Cushing played the host in the framework story. The previous film being Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors (1965).

Donald Pleasence, who played Hawkins in Hammer’s Hell is a City, is seen here alongside his real-life daughter, Angela.

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