1966 BBFC Cert. “U”

Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.

Policeman Tom Campbell stumbles into the TARDIS on a normal day and ends up being taken to 2150 A.D, by Dr. Who. The future seems to be deserted, but the group soon finds out that the world is currently being controlled by the evil DALEKS. Those who have still survived are in hiding, to prevent them from being turned into Robomen. Dr. Who teams up with the survivors in order to take down the Daleks.

3- DIE 2150 1
Production Details

An Amicus Production
Produced at Shepperton Studios
84 Mins

Stills from film

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Hammer Connections
Original Poster
Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 - 1966

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Despite bearing the credit “An AARU Production”, this film (and its forerunner Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) was made entirely by Amicus. AARU received the sole production credit as part of a co-finance deal with Amicus, which felt it couldn’t afford to make a movie of this scale by itself.

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