1974 BBFC Cert. “15”

And Now the Screaming Starts

In 1795, in England, the young woman Catherine moves to the house of her fiancé Charles Fengriffen in the country to get married with him. When she arrives, she feels interest in the portraits of the Fengriffen family, particularly in the one of Charle’s grandfather Henry Fengriffen, which seems to have a sort of evil entity possessing it. While admiring Henry’s face, a severed hand attacks Catherine through the picture on the wall. Later, she gets married with Charles, beginning her journey of mystery, eerie apparitions, secrets and deaths, and having her days filled with fear and the nights with horrors in a cursed family.

3- ANTSS 1
Production Details

An Amicus Production
Produced at Shepperton Studios
91 Mins

Stills from film

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Hammer Connections
Original Poster
And Now the Screaming Starts 1974

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Filmed at the previous home of Hammer Films, Oakley Court.

Peter Cushing (Dr. Pope) and Herbert Lom (Sir Henry Fengriffin) both played Professor Van Helsing in films starring Christopher Lee as Count Dracula: Cushing in Dracula (1958), Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972) and The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973) and Lom in Count Dracula (1970). Cushing also played the role in The Brides of Dracula (1960) and The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974).

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