1973 BBFC Cert. “U”


Alternative title: The Legend of Young Robin Hood

Robert of Loxley, a simple farmer, is working his land when a fellow Saxon runs through their property attempting to escape Sir Jeffrey and the Royal Game Warden. Robert denies seeing the alleged poacher, and the fight, which ensues, is destined to seal his fate. When Sir Jeffrey’s brother, Roger of Doncaster, learns that Robert of Loxley was not killed for his insolence, he determines to use the incident to have him arrested and his lands confiscated. Sir Roger’s ulterior motive is that his intended bride Lady Marian Fitzwater has had feelings for Robert from childhood and this stands in the way of his marriage to her. So he enlists the help of the Abbott to have Robert made a Wolfshead: an outlaw whose head is worth that of a wolf’s, dead or alive.

3- Wolf 1
Production Details

Hammer Film Productions Ltd. MCMLXIX
Hammer House, Wardour Street, London, England
Made entirely on location in North Wales
Running time 57mins

Filming Began: 1st January 1969
UK Release: 7th December 1973

North Wales

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew
Original Poster
4- Wolf2

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The film was originally a 1969 television series pilot but was released in movie theatres in 1973. It was also released on VHS under the title The Legend of Young Robin Hood

Will Knightley is the father of actress Keira Knightly.

Kim Braden is a daughter of actor and broadcaster Bernard Braden and actress Barbara Kelly.

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