1956 BBFC Cert. “A”

Women Without Men

Alternative Title: Blonde Bait

Convict Angie Booth is desperate. Before being sentenced, she made a tryst with her merchant seaman lover Nick to meet him at a set time and place. When her request for temporary parole is turned down by the prison governor, she plans to escape along with a group of other inmates.

3- WWM 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films RCA Sound Recording
Made at Bray Studios
Black & White 68 mins

Filming Began: 1st January 1955
UK Release: 14th June 1956


Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
Women Without Men 1955

Click to enlarge


American director Elmo Williams was much better known as a Film Editor. He also co-produced the 1962 epic about the D-Day landings, The Longest Day.

Uncredited Muriel Young was a popular presenter for ITV children’s programmes between 1959 and 1968.

Uncredited Stratford Johns played Inspector Barlow in BBC TV’s long running police series Z Cars.

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