1951 Cert "A"

To Have and to Hold

Brian Harding has a life of idyllic bliss deep in the cosy bosom of the beautiful English countryside. But his tranquil existence is shattered when he suffers a fall while out horse riding. The accident cripples him, but there is worse news to come when his doctor tells him that he has only a short time to live. Although madly in love with his wife, June, Brian knows that she really loves their friend, Max, and decides to act horribly towards her so that she will turn against him and plan for her future without him. Then, matters are complicated by the arrival on the scene of Max’s long-lost daughter, Peggy.

3- THATH 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films
From the play by Lionel Browne

Black & White 63 minutes

Filming Began: 1st June 1950
UK Release: 2nd April 1951

Gilston Park, Hertfordshire, England

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew
Original Poster

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This film marks the end of Director Godfrey Grayson’s short but productive career with Hammer.

Patrick Barr worked for Hammer again in Death of an Angel (1952) and as Lord Carradine in The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973).

Eunice Gayson went on to appear as Margaret in Hammer’s The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958). She also played Sean Connery’s girlfriend Sylvia in the James Bond film From Russia with Love (1963).

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