1959 BBFC Cert. “U”

The Ugly Duckling

Henry Jeckyll was always the outsider, a bungling and awkward buffoon, relegated to waiting for his invitation to participate in life that never arrived: until he discovers a medical formula developed by his Great, Great Grandfather, which claimed to turn ‘a man of timid disposition into a bold, fearless dragon’. Taking a draught of the elixir Henry is transformed into suave, sophisticated and highly desirable Teddy Hyde. Armed with his new persona, Teddy is ready to face the world; but is Henry ready for the consequences?

3- TUD 1
Production Details

Columbia Pictures Corporation presents A Hammer Film production
Copyright © MCMLIX by Hammer Film Productions Ltd. All rights reserved
MPAA Approved Certificate No. 18346
ROI Sound Recording
With ideas stolen from Robert Louis Stevenson

The characters and incidents portrayed herein are fictitious and any similarity to the names, character or history of any person is entirely accidental and unintentional.

Produces at Bray Studios, England
Black and White 80 minutes

Filming Began: 15th May 1959
UK Release: 10th August 1959

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
The Ugly Duckling 1959

Click to enlarge


The film was shot in the summer of 1959 and was not a success at the box office losing ₤20,000.

John Pertwee went on to become the 3rd Doctor in the BBC TV series Doctor Who.

Richard Wattis appeared in two other Hammer productions The Abominable Snowman (1957), and Stolen Face (1952).

Harold Goodwin’s other Hammer appearances included, Pat in The Mummy (1959) and an uncredited performance as a burglar in  Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969)

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