1951 BBFC Cert. “A”

The Dark Light

The Thimble Rock Lighthouse is discovered by the crew of a passing vessel, its light out, completely deserted apparently in a hurry, a warm teapot still on the table – echoes of the Marie Celeste! What on earth could have happened? In flashback, the strange story unfolds; a story of a brave lighthouse crew and a gang of bank robbers, on the run from the law, plucked by them from the sea.

3- TDL 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films

Opening credit:- “We gratefully acknowledge the kind co-operation of the Elder Brethren of Trinity House, the Royal Navy at H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth and in particular the keepers of the Nab Tower Lighthouse in the making of this picture.”

Black & White 66 minutes

Filming Began: January 1951
UK Release: 23rd July 1951

Gilston Park, Hertfordshire, England

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew
Original Poster
The Dark Light 1951

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Although he had worked for Exclusive for some years, this is the first film to credit Michael Carreras as Producer.

Vernon Sewell was a journeyman director whose only other films for Hammer were The Jack of Diamonds (1949) and The Black Widow (1951). Much later on, for Tony Tenser’s Tigon company, he directed The Blood Beast Terror (1967, with Peter Cushing) and Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968, with Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee). His many other films include the modest but eerie ghost story House of Mystery (1961) and Some May Live (1966, with Peter Cushing).

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