1950 BBFC Cert."A"

Room to Let

To help make ends meet, the Musgrave family decides to rent out one of their rooms. A lodger arrives in the shape of Doctor Fell, a grim, rather menacing man, who soon begins to dominate the household. As time passes, his increasingly peculiar behaviour, together with the map of Whitechapel and the surgical instruments found in his room, raises suspicions that the Musgraves have none other than Jack the Ripper living in their house!

3- RTL 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films
United Programmes Sound System
Adapted from the B.B.C. feature by Margery Allingham

Black & White 63 minutes

Filming Began: 1st October 1949
UK Release: 15th May 1950

Oakley Court Hotel, Oakley Green, Windsor, Berkshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited


The cast includes Charles Hawtrey, who became one of the stalwarts of the “Carry On” films. He also appeared for Hammer in Five Days (1954).

Three more names appear in Hammer credits for the first time here – John Gilling, Jimmy Sangster and James Needs, the Editor who was to piece together most of their great shock sequences.

This is Jimmy Hanley’s only appearance for Hammer, he died in 1970 the same year that his daughter, Jenny Hanley, made her only appearance for Hammer in Scars of Dracula.

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