1952 BBFC Cert. “A”

Never Look Back

Anne Maitland has just been called to the bar as a King’s Counsel and tells Nigel Stewart that she cannot marry him because of her career. Then she takes her first case – defending an old friend, Guy Ransom, who has been accused of murder. Anne is sure of success, because Ransom was staying in her flat on the night of the crime…

3- NLB 1
Production Details

A Hammer-Brennan production released by Exclusive Films

All characters in this photoplay are fictitious and bear no resemblance to any real person, living or dead

Gaumont Wales Recording
Philharmonia Orchestra
Made at the Film Studios, Manchester

Black & White 73 minutes

Filming Began: 17th September 1951
UK Release: 26th May 1952

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire
Film Studios, Manchester, England


London, England : Various familiar establishing shots behind opening credits
Charing Cross Road, Covent Garden, London: Clive Oliver gets off bus at beginning of the film and walks onto Newport Court
Queen Charlotte Street, Windsor, Berkshire: Bookshop
General Post Office, High Street, Windsor, Berkshire: Jeffrey posts the blackmail letter
Claremont Road and Trinity Place, Windsor, Berkshire: Postman delivering letter
Windsor & Eton Riverside Station, Datchet Road, Windsor, Berkshire: John tries to escape via rail, but spots police there
King Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire: John walking the streets
St. Saviour’s Church, The Grove, Ealing, London: John meets Stella at bombed-out church from WWII – since demolished
St. James’e Piccadilly Church, 197 Piccadilly, St. James’s, London: Stella meets Clive to ask him for help
Park Street, Black Horse Yard, Windsor, Berkshire: Jeffrey’s flat where he takes Stella

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited


Anthony Nelson Keys later became a Producer with Hammer, working on some of their most famous horror films.

Actor Terence Longden (here misspelt Longdon) appeared in four of the early “Carry on” films – Sergeant (1958), Nurse (1958), Constable (1960) and Regardless (1961).

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