1950 BBFC Cert. “U”

Dick Barton at Bay

For the third time, villainous vermin and their heinous henchmen learn the hard way not to cross the path of super-smooth special agent Dick Barton. Here he struts his inimitable stuff, along with ever-loyal protege Snowey White, as they tackle fanatical foreign anarchists who kidnap a leading scientist and his daughter. The daring duo’s search leads them to the gang’s headquarters in a lighthouse at Beachy Head, from where they plan to use a deadly ray to blow up an aeroplane carrying members of a critical military defence mission.

3- DBAB 1
Production Details

A Marylebone-Hammer production released by Exclusive Films
“The Sensational B.B.C. Serial”
From a story by Ambrose Grayson by arrangement with Ted Kavanagh Associated

Black & White 68 minutes

Filming Began: 1st August 1948
UK Release: 2nd October 1950

Marylebone Studios, Marylebone, London

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
Dick Barton at Bay 1950

Click to enlarge


The “Dick Barton” series might well have continued, but for the untimely death of its star, Don Stannard, in a car crash at the age of 33.

Look out for an early role for Patrick McNee (John Steed in ABC TV’s The Avengers) in this film. You’ll have to be quick to catch him, though, as his character, Phillips, is killed off in the first five minutes (and that includes the opening titles!)

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