1952 BBFC Cert. “A”

Death of an Angel

The picturesque English village of Evenbridge seems an unlikely setting for murder. Nevertheless, that’s exactly what happens when Christopher Boswell arrives there to start work as the partner of the local doctor, Robert Welling. Shortly after his arrival Welling’s wife, Mary, is killed by arsenic poisoning and the finger of suspicion immediately points to her husband. But could he really have done something so cold blooded? He is such a nice man and it seems so out of character!

3- DOAA 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films
From the play “This is Mary’s Chair” by Frank King

All characters in this photoplay are fictitious and bear no relation to any real person, living or dead

RCA Sound System
Black & White 63 minutes

Filming Began: 1st March 1951
UK Release: 24th March 1952

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Stills from film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
Death of an Angel 1952

Click to enlarge


Elderly actress Katie Johnson appears here as Sarah Oddy. She also turns up in Hammer’s Lady in the Fog (1952), as a madwoman who thinks that she is Mary, Queen of Scots! However, her most famous role was to come later, playing the dotty Mrs Wilberforce in the classic Ealing comedy The Ladykillers (1955).

This film features a performance from one Julie Somers (aged 23 at the time of filming) which must rate her as one of the ghastliest “child” actors ever to grace the silver screen!!

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