1957 BBFC Cert. “A”

Danger List

As a result of a mix-up in a hospital pharmacy, deadly pills are dispensed to unsuspecting patients. Realising the error, Dr. Jim Bennett and pharmacist Gillian Freeman now face a race against time to retrieve them. But, not all the patients are so keen to hand them back!

3- DL 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films
RCA Sound Recording
Made at Bray Studios
Black and White 22mins featurette

Filming Began: 15th March 1957
UK Release: 26th December 1957

Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire

Slough Hospital, Berkshire – Wolseley General Hospital

Stills from film

Click an image for enlarged slideshow

Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited


With all of Hammer’s feature output now being handled by the major distributors, after this film only one more new production was released by Exclusive, another featurette entitled Man with a Dog (1958). With only a few features from other producers to rely on, plus re-runs of their old Hammers, Exclusive went into steady decline and was finally wound up in 1968.

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