1949 BBFC Cert. “U”

Jack of Diamonds

Down on their luck, a couple rent out their ship to a mysterious man looking for treasure he hid during the war. Complications ensue when it turns out he’s not the only one looking for it.

3- JOD 1
Production Details

Exclusive Films Presents. Vernon Swewll Production
From the story by “Binnacle”
Dialogue by Nigel Patrick and Cyril Hammond
Diving apparatus by courtesy of Messrs. Siebe Gorman & Co. Ltd.
Westrex Sound

Black & White 65 minutes

Filming Began: January 1947
UK Release 23rd May 1949

Kay’s Studio, Carlton Hill, Maida Vale, London

Stills from the film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
Jack of Diamonds 1949

Click to enlarge


This film saw Edwin Richfield’s film debut – he went on to appear in a further nine Hammer productions his last being Quatermass and the Pit (1967).

Assistant Producer Walter Tennyson is credited under the name Walter D’Eyncourt.

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