1949 BBFC Cert. “U”

Dick Barton Strikes Back

Once again, wonder man special agent Dick Barton is called on to save Britain from almost certain disaster. This time he and his chum Snowey White do battle with ruthless foreign activists, who have developed a machine to blow up the town of Blackpool and annihilate its inhabitants!

3- DBSB 1
Production Details

A Hammer production released by Exclusive Films by arrangement with Ted Kavanagh Associated.
Adapted from the radio feature by arrangement with the BBC.

Opening credit:- “The major part of this film was shot on actual locations. The producers wish to thank the following for facilities granted – The Tower Blackpool, American Overseas Airways, KLM Airways, The South London Electricity Board, The London Zoo.”

Recorded on the Viking sound system.
Screenplay by Elizabeth Baron and Ambrose Grayson from an original story by Ambrose Grayson.

Black & White 73 minutes

UK Release 18th July 1949

Viking Studios, Kensington, London

On Location:
Haslemere, Surrey, England – The first village attacked by the sonic ray
Liverpool, Merseyside, England
Pinner, Middlesex, England
Blackpool Tower Ballroom, Blackpool

Stills from the film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited

Original Poster
Dick Barton Strikes Back

Click to enlarge


Camera Operator Peter Newbrook eventually became a Producer. His credits include the 1967 horror film Corruption, starring Peter Cushing.

Don Stannard (Dick Barton) and Sebastian Cabot (Fouracada) were involved in a car crash in Cookham Dean, Berkshire, England, on July 9, 1949. Stannard, who was driving, was killed instantly but Cabot escaped with only minor injuries.

Sebastian Cabot went on to provid the voice for Bagheera in Disney’s Jungle Book (1967).

A young Peter Wyngarde – later TV’s Jason King – has his first (uncredited) acting role here.

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