1948 BBFC Cert. “A”

The Dark Road

Alternative Title: There is No Escape

A cheap fiction writer is commissioned to write a crime story which deals with a young boy’s gradual decline through lack of parental control.

3- TDR 1
Production Details

Exclusive Films Presents, a Marylebone-Hammer Production

Black & White 67 minutes

Filming began: February 1948
UK Release: 14th October 1948

Marylebone Studios, Marylebone, London, England

On Location:
Gilston Park, Hertfordshire, England
Blackpool, Lancashire, England

Stills from the film

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Cast & Crew

Red = Uncredited


This was Michael Ripper’s first film for Hammer. As Hammer’s most prolific actor, he went on to appear in 34 of their productions.

The film was based on the career of criminal Stanley Thurston, who appeared in the cast as a character based on himself. Thurston was famous for his numerous escapes from prison, 5 times in 15 years. He was released from prison in October 1946. The film had trouble with the British censors who thought the film glamorised a real life criminal. Thurston had to be billed as “Charles Stuart.”

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